Tranquility Lodge 2000 was established for the purpose of promoting, conducting, and fostering the humanitarian principles of Freemasonry for all people, by promoting improvements in education, health and welfare.
To these ends, the lodge will seek to establish a financial basis that will allow it to address requests for help and assistance from worthy organizations, worldwide, to make life better for all children living on Earth.
To accomplish this mission, Tranquility Lodge 2000 requires the support of all worthy Freemasons around the world. Your membership in TL2K will help establish the financial basis from which worldwide benevolence may flow.
Please consider becoming a member of Tranquility Lodge 2000 and help us in our work!

Are you not a Freemason, but want to learn more about the “Oldest Fraternal Organization in the World”?
CLICK HERE to learn more about Freemasonry and find a lodge in your area to visit!
Tranquility Lodge 2000 Merchandise
Please CLICK HERE to download the Tranquility Lodge Merchandise form.
We have an ONLINE Merchandise Store coming soon!